My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Sports-Specific Training vs Training Function functional training the pain free athlete Jul 24, 2013

In case you missed my article in The Weekly Sun of the Wood River Valley, it is reprinted below.


Sports performance is the result of coordinated movement. Pedaling a bicycle, casting a fly rod, swinging a tennis racquet or golf club, and hiking up a mountain all require lots of...

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Develop Autonomous Sports Skills to Stay Injury Free functional training skill strength training the pain free athlete training Apr 25, 2013
When standing on the free throw line preparing to make the game winning basket you don't want to spend your mental energy on the mechanics of throwing a basketball. The same is true for paying attention to your pedal stroke during a 100 mile road bike tour. In these situations you want to have...
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Strength Training for Better Posture: Assisted Pull-Up functional training resistance training strength training the pain free athlete training Apr 09, 2013

Use your time in the gym to improve your structural alignment, not ingrain poor posture and compensated movement patterns.

Starting Position

  • Hand position on the bar is wide enough to create a 90 degree angle from the wrist to the elbow to the shoulder at the top of the exercise.

  • Linear line...

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My EgoscueĀ® Experience, A Client's Perspective alignment egoscue egoscue method functional training posture alignment the pain free athlete Jan 30, 2013

Guest Column: by Lynn Bjorklund

I started Egoscue® with Jessica in 2010 when I was in a downward spiral with numerous injuries. Each year I tried harder and could do less. Most people chalk it up to just getting older and that is what is normal to expect. I didn't want to believe that, so I...

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Strength Training for Better Posture: Chest Press functional training posture therapy resistance training strength strength training Jan 17, 2013


Starting Position

  • Lie down on a bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the bench.

  • Distance between your heels and butt is ~ 6".

  • Arms extended directly above the chest.

  • Weights are facing each other with the palms down.

  • Lower back has a natural...

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Strength Training for Better Posture: Biceps Curls functional training resistance training strength strength training train Nov 07, 2012

This is the first video in a series on proper strength training technique for better posture.



Starting Position

  • A staggered stance (1-2 feet apart) accommodates wider hips and larger dumbbells.

  • Dumbbell heads are facing forward to keep the weights close to...

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Taming Your Sports Gremlin functional training heal yourself self healing self-compassion self-discipline training Sep 24, 2012

As an athlete you are driven, have goals and want to achieve. Many of us are in the habit of pushing our bodies to the brink of collapse, injury or sickness to succeed. Our taskmaster inside, sometimes called our sports gremlin, scares us into making bad choices for our body and soul.


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Low Tech or High Tech Training - what's right for you? exercise exercise recovery functional training interval training training Jul 20, 2012

I have always been a low tech exerciser and competitor. In my sports training I have mainly used heart rate and time as measures of my effort and intensity. There are several reasons for my choice.

First, learning new technology can be frustrating. I don't enjoy spending my energy figuring...

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