My Blog
The Path To Wellbeing
Upon taking my sabbatical leave last June, I left you and myself with this question: What do you want in the next phase of your life? (Blog: Taking a Pause to Reflect, Redirect, and Reinvent)
After posting my sabbatical blog, a wise reader from the Pain Free Athlete community wrote to me with a ver...
Your subconscious mind directs the actions and behaviors that create the results you experience in your life. Interestingly, your subconscious is more powerful than your conscious mind. It comprises the majority of your mind capacity. As you can see in the iceberg image to the right, the subconsciou...
My last blog, Overcome Fear to Reduce Stress and Heal, was all about fear. I discussed how fear underlies much of our stress. I then explained how stress sabotages good health. Also, I remarked on how the fear we experience often stems from false, negative beliefs. We hold these beliefs below our co...