My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Food Allergies/Sensitivities and Joint Health allergic reaction back pain diet food allergy food intolerance food sensitivity inflammation inflammatory foods joint pain joint sweeling neck pain nutrition pain free athlete Aug 21, 2019

Is your diet keeping you in pain?

Ā For two of my clients, unknown food allergies/sensitivities caused inflammation. This inflammation hindered their ability to heal. Each improved with our posture therapy work together. However, they could not fully recover until they made dietary changes to reduce...

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How to Prevent Cycling Injuries alignment cycling interval training nutrition posture alignment Oct 26, 2013

So you want to stay pain and injury free on the bike? Well, it all depends on the fitness of the body you bring into cycling and your approach to riding. Let me explain.

Body Fitness

More fundamental than your VO2 max or power output, total body fitness includes multiple things. These include your...

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