My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Am I okay to move and play? chronic pain mind body syndrome neuroplastic pain pain science painfreeathlete psychogenic pain stress tms Jul 02, 2024

This is a question many of us ask ourselves and may struggle to answer. Put more simply, we might say, should I go out and [fill in the blank with your planned exercise/sport] today, or should I stay home and take it easy? Our response depends on the origin of the pain. Below is my answer, told...

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The Perfect Storm of Chronic Pain chronic pain david butler lorimer moseley pain science painfreeathlete persistent pain thepainfreeathlete Mar 22, 2023

A perfect storm, like chronic pain, emerges when numerous factors combine simultaneously. Merriam-Webster defines “perfect storm” as “a critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors.” Let’s substitute chronic pain into this definition:...

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Beat Your Pain Using the Biopsychosocial Model biomedical model biopsychosocial model chronic pain healing chronic pain pain free body pain neuroscience pain psychology pain relief pain science the pain free athlete Jan 21, 2021

Pain is: 

“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.”

This updated definition of pain was provided by The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) last summer (July 2020)....

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Your Brain Interprets Your Pain chronic pain freedom from pain healing chronic pain pain neuroscience pain psychology pain science Aug 15, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

Neurosciences Professor Dr. Lorimer Moseley says, “Pain is a construct of the brain.”1 Now to be clear, I am not suggesting that the pain is all in your head or that yoHealing Back Painu are making it up. However, I do...

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