My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

5 Steps to Fix a Knot Under Your Shoulder Blade egoscue egoscue method exercises exercises for shoulder pain knot in shoulder blade pain behind shoulder blade postural restoration institute posture pri rib cage right bc scapula scapula pain shoulder tension the pain free athlete Jun 10, 2020

Have you ever had a knot under your shoulder blade? One that hindered your movements? You are not alone. Most painful knots under the shoulder blade (scapulae bones) are due to tension buildup within the soft tissues. In this blog, I address how to break up and mobilize this tissue. Iā€™ll also offer ...

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Foot Orthotics and Joint Pain foot injury foot pain foot rehab postural restoration institute posture alignment posture analysis posture therapy pri Jul 29, 2015

Should I be wearing foot orthotics?
Will they help my joint pain?

You may have asked yourself these questions. And to be honest, I did. After my third knee surgery, I pursued orthotics with my orthopedic surgeon. Although he didnā€™t seem convinced they would help, he did write me a prescription, and ...

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Healing is an Individual Process heal yourself healing chronic pain postural restoration institute posture alignment posture therapy self healing Aug 20, 2014

Road to Recovery Healing is not a neat and tidy process with well-defined steps from pain to wellness. Instead, it is an individual journey that is unique for each person. The source of chronic pain and the strategies needed for recovery can be simple or complex. Some people get better quickly, whil...

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