My Blog
The Path To Wellbeing
Our emotional state impacts our chronic pain experience. Thus, feeling safe or threatened can increase, decrease, or completely eliminate the sensation of chronic pain. Essentially, how much something hurts is often dependent on our circumstances and whether we feel secure or in danger. To understan...
Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.
As you resume sports, your primary fear is most likely re-injury. Because of your previous injury, you may have been through extensive rehabilitation, unable to play your sport, and you don't want to go back to that...
Please enjoy the beginning of Chapter 1 from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon. Download the entire chapter.
Your body is wonderfully resilient. It wants to serve you and make possible all the sports and activities you love. However, I know this is hard to hear right now. Actual...
Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.
Injuries raise your stress level. Looking back at the previous tips (for your healing journey), each of these could be a source of stress. Your stress may escalate because you have overloaded your mind or body with ...
At 38, my doctor diagnose me with severe (grade 4) bone-on-bone left hip osteoarthritis. Since I was too young for a joint replacement, he advised me to reduce my activity level and avoid any movements that hurt. When the pain was excruciating enough, and my activity limited enough, they would consi...
My mother's doctor told her that she had six months to live. She followed her doctor’s prediction and died within that time period. A client informed me it would take a year to recover from his plantar fasciitis. He didn’t make any progress until 12 months had passed. My own doctor diagnosed me wi...
Ah, February. The month of love and hearts. Here in the US, we recently celebrated Valentine’s Day. On this day, we express our affections for others. Of course, this is a wonderful thing to do! But what about giving ourselves love and compassion?
Why does it matter? Well, research has found that w...
Fear is a risk factor for disease and pain.Â
Fear raises your stress.
Stress reduces your ability to heal.
Recall my previous blog, Stress Prevents Self-Healing, where I reviewed the book Mind Over Medicine by Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D. In her book, Dr. Rankin details how stress combined with an inab...
Guest Blog by freelance writer-editor and Friend of The Pain Free Athlete, Denise Sessions.
When I heard that prolonged sitting, such as at my desk job, put me at risk for certain diseases, I was surprised. I thought I was doing what I needed to do. I worked out every day, not only to maintain endu...
Within your body, you have a powerful source of self-healing. To illustrate, think of the many bruises, cuts and blisters you’ve had that your body has repaired. Additionally, think about the colds, injuries and infections that you’ve overcome. This self-repairing biological system has also been pro...
Ankle Taping: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Ben Franklin said these famous words in 1736 in reference to fire prevention. You can apply the same philosophy, however, to sports injuries. For several reasons--beyond the obvious--we want to avoid any initial injuries that can lead...
“Pain is part of the body's defense system, producing a reflexive retraction from the painful stimulus, and tendencies to protect the affected body part while it heals, and avoid that harmful situation in the future.”
This is the evolutionary and behavioral role of pain as described on