My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Are you racing out of fear? pain free athlete pain free body racing self the pain free athlete train Oct 16, 2013

Why do you race? I have been asking my friends, teammates and clients this question for years. Yet, I have not heard a satisfactory answer. Recently, I had a conversation on this topic with a client. This caused me to write this blog.

Let me elaborate. There are many motivations that may be...

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Strength Training for Better Posture: Biceps Curls functional training resistance training strength strength training train Nov 07, 2012

This is the first video in a series on proper strength training technique for better posture.



Starting Position

  • A staggered stance (1-2 feet apart) accommodates wider hips and larger dumbbells.

  • Dumbbell heads are facing forward to keep the weights close to...

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