My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Pain Free Backpacking exercises pain free pain free athlete posture exercises the pain free athlete Apr 30, 2014

It has been over a decade since I've been backpacking due to injury and fear of pain. I am happy to say that my husband and I went out for a successful night last weekend to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. Backpacking can be added to my list of can do activities, Yeah!

Although my body held...

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How Fit Are You? fitness pain free athlete posture posture alignment posture fitness class the pain free athlete Apr 17, 2014

Can you...

Complete 50 abdominal crunches in one minute?

Squat 2 times your body weight?

 After reading those two sentences, are you feeling unfit right now? Well, I am! These, however, are just a few of the assessments that some people  commonly use to determine fitness level. If you analyze the...

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Mental Excellence in the NCAA Basketball Tournament affirmations positive psychology self self-discipline the pain free athlete Mar 31, 2014


It's now the end of March, which means basketball madness. 68 teams start the Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament, and in just over three weeks, we have a champion. Clearly, the stakes are high in every game. The loser goes home in the single elimination format. These games provide a great case stud...

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Relieve Back Pain with Foundation Training back back ache back pain heal back pain lower back pain Mar 04, 2014

I continually want to provide you with tools to help you take care of your body and reduce your pain. However, that's not as easy as it sounds. In other words, I know that not every approach is going to work for everyone. So, having a variety of options is essential in healing. Here's one option. Fo...

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Keep Race Results in Perspective pain free athlete pain free body self-compassion strength training the pain free athlete training Feb 20, 2014

It's ski season, in some parts of the country anyway, which means Nordic ski racing for me. As I am about to embark on the biggest ski race of my career this weekend, the American Birkebeiner, it is good to remember to keep perspective. Please enjoy this piece I previously wrote on the topic.


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Love Your Body Today and Everyday heal yourself self self healing self-compassion self-discipline Feb 14, 2014

When was the last time you showed appreciation for your body and all it does to support and move you? If you are like many, you've had a ore negative tone during recent conversations with your physical structure. Perhaps you've heard yourself expressing resentment for your pain. Or, you've bemoaned ...

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5 Exercises to Reduce Anterior Pelvic Tilt anterior pelvic tilt pelvis posture and breathing posture exercises posture therapy the pain free athlete Jan 31, 2014

In my last blog I described the relationship between anterior pelvic tilt, lengthened hamstrings and shortened hip flexors. Additionally, an anterior tilt can lead to excessive curvature in the spine. This is because the lower back increases its arch while the upper back rounds more to balance the b...

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Should you stretch a tight muscle? alignment chronic pain glute stretching posture alignment posture analysis Jan 14, 2014

Well, that seems like a silly question with an obvious answer, right? Wrong!

When we stretch a tight muscle, we make the assumption that the muscle is tight because it is shortened and needs to be lengthened. However, this is not always the case. Actually, a muscle can also be tight because it is t...

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4 Ways to Improve Your Running this Winter posture alignment running running efficiency running form running technique the pain free athlete Dec 31, 2013



1. First, Run in Soft Snow for Good Technique

The unstable surface of the snow does not allow you to push off for propulsion. This backward force may cause you to slip as the snow moves with your foot. Thus, you lose traction. If you don't push off from behind, you probably won't feel the n...

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Enhance Your Self-Worth in 2014! body awareness heal yourself self self healing self-compassion Dec 18, 2013

Do you ever feel like you're not enough? That you should be doing and giving more? I do!

Where does this come from? Why do we feel inadequate despite our achievements? Perhaps we have bought into the beliefs spread through our society in the self-sacrifice or self-esteem handbooks... 


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Joint Pain, Taping and the Long-Term Consequences heal yourself healing an injury healing and injury healing pain posture alignment Dec 11, 2013


Before any athletic practice or competition, you'll often see rows of athletes lined up in the training room having their ankles, wrists or other various joints taped so they can go play. If you're like most athletes, you don't think much about it except that you need to get to practice early in ...

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Treat the Cause, Not the Symptom back pain chronic pain freedom from pain heal back pain heal yourself posture alignment Dec 04, 2013

I've heard a saying regarding pain in the body, “the victim screams while the criminal is silent.”

Anatomy Trains Book Cover

When Tom Myers, internationally known fascia expert and author of Anatomy Trains, said this, he was referring to the interconnected relationships between the soft tissues in the body. What did he me...

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