My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Are you an athlete? the pain free athlete Sep 03, 2013


With the business name, The Pain Free Athlete I often have people commenting that they are not an athlete and therefore do not qualify to work with me. I respectfully disagree. 


The word athlete in our society often brings up images of muscle bound, ultra fit Olympians. I interpret the word a...

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Can you heal yourself? heal yourself self healing the pain free athlete Aug 28, 2013


During a discussion with a potential client, I made the statement that we could heal ourselves. She admitted that she had heard this wisdom but did not know if she could believe it. As she described it, she had been dancing around the idea but wasn't sure she was ready to accept it for herself.

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10 Things Posture Therapy Can Do For You! alignment posture the pain free athlete Aug 22, 2013


This summer marks my five-year posture therapy anniversary. In this article, I reflect on what I have gained from the process and what you may also achieve through this therapy.

I began my posture therapy career as a client in debilitating pain. Because I was intrigued by this unconventional the...

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Posture Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game golf exercises the pain free athlete Aug 13, 2013

My secret is out, I'm a golfer!

Yes, I enjoy hitting a little white ball around a well-manicured course. As an endurance athlete, I've received much criticism for my hobby. I love the completely different challenge golf offers as a skill sport. It is truly a mental game requiring the utmost patienc...

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4 Steps to an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle anti-inflammatory diet the pain free athlete Aug 08, 2013

At the 2013 Sun Valley Wellness Festival, I attended a presentation titled "Leading the Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle" with Dr. James Rouse. Dr. Rouse is an accomplished naturopathic physician, triathlete, speaker, author, and more. After you finish reading this blog, I encourage you to visit his webs...

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Book Review: Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers sapolsky stress response the pain free athlete zebras Aug 02, 2013

 "We can experience wildly strong emotions (provoking our bodies into an accompanying uproar) linked to mere thoughts."

In other words, we activate the stress-response in our minds in response to our thoughts. This is the message shared by Stanford University professor Robert Sapolsky in his book "...

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Prolonged Sitting - the new health risk the pain free athlete Jul 26, 2013

This is the first blog entry in a series on sitting health.


ChairWe are at war with sitting! And the research is mounting. The risks of sitting too much were likened to smoking in the Los Angeles Times Article, Don't just sit there. Really. that appeared last month. A recent study comparing the two h...

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Sports-Specific Training vs Training Function functional training the pain free athlete Jul 24, 2013

In case you missed my article in The Weekly Sun of the Wood River Valley, it is reprinted below.


Sports performance is the result of coordinated movement. Pedaling a bicycle, casting a fly rod, swinging a tennis racquet or golf club, and hiking up a mountain all require lots of muscles working t...

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9 Tips to Improve Your Strength Training Workout fitness resistance training the pain free athlete weights workout Jul 17, 2013


Strength training is an important component of your fitness program. The resistance that you use can be in the form of machines, free weights, medicine balls, tubing or bands, and body weight. Regardless of how you apply resistance, here are some tips to keep in mind.


  1. Warm-up and Cool-Down:...
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Get Fit to Sit: 5 Exercises for Better Desk Posture sitting sitting exercises sitting posture the pain free athlete Jul 09, 2013


This is the third and final blog entry in a series on sitting health.

If you have read my previous blogs on healthy sitting, you now realize that prolonged sitting is a health risk factor with negative consequences similar to smoking. Additionally, if you sit for an extended period of time, you ...

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How to Sit Pain Free sitting posture the pain free athlete Jul 02, 2013


This is the second blog entry in a series on sitting health.

Look at the image to the right. Can you see the "C"? This "C" posture is a posture of pain and dysfunction. Unfortunately, it is also very common. In fact, it's the most frequently assumed position that many workers take. When I conduc...

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Energy Management Brings Success energy jim loehr the pain free athlete the power of full engagment time mangement tony schwartz Jun 20, 2013


Popular thinking says that time management brings increased productivity and success. Yet the authors of The Power of Full Engagement believe “Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance.”


Has this ever happened to you?

At the end of a long workday, you come home tired ...

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